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Trademark e filing Practitioner Course

The Trademark e filing Course is for those who want to start their Practice in Trademark. This Trademark online e Filing course is fully practical and helps practitioners who want to practice on ipindia Portal / Website. trademark is a type of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in India. In this Online Trademark Certification Course, We will cover How to search Trademark, Documents Required, Trademark Law (Act and Rules), how to get Trademark Registration through an Attorney or without Attorney code or agent code.

You also learn how to identify TM class, how to file all types of Trademark Application like TM-A, TM-M, TM-O form etc. How to get trademark License without error and finally how to handle, prepare and reply to objection, opposition and the hearing process. This course is also helpful for those students who prepare trademark examination for attorney and agent codes. File Your first trademark application on the Trademark e-filing Portal. Tyariexamki is the Top online Institute for trademark courses in Delhi, India. The fees for this course are very low. The languages of this course are both Hindi and English.

What will you learn

 Trademark Portal Overview and Laws (Legal Aspects)

In this section, we will cover what is a Trademark? TM Law (Act, Rules and Regulation) and Trademark Portal Overview.

 Trademark Registration Process

In this Live Trademark Registration Course in India. You will learn practically, what is trademark and how to search and file trade mark Application, Classes, Documents required for taking tm license, all web Forms, drafting, meaning of status, Legal Aspects of Examination Report issued by the Department. Also you can get a certificate course on trademark law and filing, without error

 Objection, Opposition and Hearing Process

How to handle, Prepare and Reply of Objection, Opposition and Hearing Process.

  • Live Class on ZOOM by Top Mentors
  • 1 Year Complete Access of Live Recorded
  • Instant Solve Your Query in Live Class
  • Full Access on Mobile, PC, Tablet and TV
  • Live Doubt Session on Weekly and Monthly Basis
  • Instant Support through WhatsApp, email and Telegram
  • Downloadable Class Notes, Forms and Study Material
  • Training on Real Data with Real Clients ( Practical Course )


No of Subjects

12 +

No of Lessons


No of Assignment


What is Trademark, Trademark Class and Types of Trademark

In This Topic, you are going to Learn Trademark Registration Process, Trademark Searched Status, Trademark Search Portal, Trademark Application Status

Trademark Registration Process
Trademark Searched Status
Trademark Search Portal
Trademark Application Status

In This Topic, you are going to Learn Trademark Portal Overview and Trademark Application Filing with Attorney Code

Portal Overview
Trademark Application Filing with Attorney Code

Trademark Application Form TM-A

How to Modify Trademark. Filing of TM-M in Different Case

How to Modify Trademark. Filing of TM-M in Different Case

Legal Aspect of Trademark objection- Examination report issued U/s 9 &11

Objection under section 9 (1) (B) and reply file
Trademark Section 11 Reply File

Trademark Opposition

Understanding of Trademark and types of Trademark

Trademark Search and Application Status

Overview of Trademark e-Portals and its use

Trademark Application Filing for individual and Documents Required TM 48 Class 4
Filing a New application of Trademark on Company Firm Name Class 5

Trademark Legal Class 1 :- What is Trademark and Law ?
Trademark Legal Class 2 : Definitions, Functions and Type of Trademark

Trademark Legal Class 3 : Advantages of Trademark Registration, Constitution and Powers of Trademark

Trademark Legal Class 4 : Eligibility, Legal Provisions, Conditions of Registration Section 9 and 11
Trademark Legal Class 5 : Exception, Document Required, Preliminary Stage of Trademark Search.
Trademark Legal Class 6 : Trademark Search, Coprehensive Stage of Trademark Search.

Trademark Legal Class 7 : Registration Forms, Class, Filing and Rules TM-A TM-61 TM-63 Domestic Appl
Trademark Legal Class 8 : What is Associated Trademarks, Domestic and Conventional Application ?
Trademark Legal Class 9 : International Trademark Registration, e-filing, Madrid System, Form 48 MM2

Trademark Legal Class 10 : Assignment, Transmission and Licensing of Trademark, Section 37-47
Trademark Legal Class 11 : Procedure for the Assessment and Transmission for Register Users
Trademark Legal Class 12 : Registered Users, Procedure for Registration of Trademark License (TM-U)

Trademark Legal Class 13 : Trademark Opposition Process, Form TM-O, Translation of Documents(Rule-49

Trademark Legal Class 14 : Infringement and Exception of Trademark, Section-29, Passing Off, Draftin

Trademark Legal 15 : What is Trademark Rectification ? How it is Done ? Provision and Amendment Act
Trademark Legal 16 : Trademark Rectification Procedure, Application for Rectification TM-O, Form Fil

Trademark Legal 17 : New Trademark Rule 2017, Amendments ACT, Advertisements Rules

Trademark Legal 18 : What is Trademark Portfolio. Management and Technique, How to Prevent ?

Trademark Legal 19 : Trademark Merchandising, Preparing strategy, Marketing Techniques

Trademark Class 1
Trademark Class 2
Trademark Class 3

Trademark Notes, Form, Study Materials

Course Mentors


Experience: 18 YRS.
Training session: 2156
Student trained : 13560
Experties: Cost Accountancy, ROC Compliance, MIS Reporting

Monika Chaudhary

( BScLLB, LLM, NET, pursuing PhD)
Experience: 4.5 years.
Training session: 1057
Student trained : 4058
Experties: Criminal Law, IPR

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