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Legal Drafting Course

Our Online Legal Drafting Course teaches you how to write clear and accurate legal documents such as contracts, agreements, wills, mediations and pleadings. Our main focuses on this Legal Drafting Certification Course are the structure, language and format needed to create documents that are legally binding and easy to understand. You will learn how to draft in a legal way that reduces ambiguity and protects clients' interests while also meeting legal standards and requirements. The course also emphasizes attention to detail and the importance of clarity in legal communication.

Syllabus of this litigation and drafting course, we will cover what is drafting / Litigation. Types of drafting or litigation? and uses of drafting or litigation? Also cover Plaint Drafting, Written Statement and Reply to written statement Drafting, Summons Drafting, Shaw Cause Notices Drafting, Legal Notice and Reply to legal notice Drafting, Legal Opinion Drafting, Decrees, judgments, orders of CPC Drafting, Special Power of Attorney (POA) and General Power of Attorney Drafting, Drafting of documents on M and A process, auditing documents and many more.

In Arbitration Applications Drafting, we will cover all sections like Section 8, Section 9, Section 11, Section 17, Section 32, Section 34 draft. We will teach partnership agreements, LLP agreements, arbitration agreements, foreign collaboration agreements, and joint development rights agreements on a practical basis in the Commercial Contract Drafting module. In the drafting of Deeds section, we will cover rent deed, lease deed, license deed, privacy policy, and terms and conditions of contract. In the drafting of suits for injunctions, interlocutory applications, petitions, revision petitions, writ petitions, affidavits, appeals and indemnity bonds. In mediated Drafting, we will learn settlement agreements, negotiation agreements, international arbitration agreements, and applications. In Resolutions Drafting, we will cover Board Resolution and Special Resolution.

In this live training program, we will cover all Acts like the Civil Procedure Code, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, Companies Act, Mediation Act, and SEBI Act.

After completing the Legal Drafting and Litigation Course for law students, you become a professional consultant and can work properly without errors in all parts of Draft. Also, you will get efficiency in creating professional legal documents that are used in courts, businesses, or any legal practices. Tyariexamki is a best leading online learning institute for legal drafting and ligitation courses in Delhi, India, offering this course in both Hindi and English language at an affordable fee.

What will you learn

 Writing Essential Legal Documents

Our Legal Drafting Course teaches you how to create key legal documents such as Contracts, Agreements and Pleadings. You will focus on writing with clarity and precision, ensuring the documents meet legal standards and serve their intended purpose.

 Mastering Legal Language and Structure

This Practical Draft Course emphasizes the proper use of legal terminology and structure. You will learn how to organize legal documents, phrase terms accurately, and avoid confusing / ambiguities, ensuring your drafts are legally sound and easy to interpret.

 Reducing Legal Risks Through Clarity

A major aspect of the Legal Course is learning to draft documents that minimize legal risks by being clear and unambiguous. You will develop skills in defining obligations and rights clearly, helping to avoid disputes or misinterpretations, and ensuring that the documents protect your client’s interests effectively.

  • Live Class on ZOOM by Top Mentors
  • 1 Year Complete Access of Live Recorded
  • Instant Solve Your Query in Live Class
  • Full Access on Mobile, PC, Tablet and TV
  • Live Doubt Session on Weekly and Monthly Basis
  • Instant Support through WhatsApp, email and Telegram
  • Downloadable Class Notes, Forms and Study Material
  • Training on Real Data with Real Clients ( Practical Course )


No of Subjects

19 +

No of Lessons


No of Assignment


Legal Drafting Class Preview
What is Drafting - Litigation?
Types of Drafting - Litigation?
Uses of Drafting / Litigation?
Drafting Class 1 - Introduction of Legal Draft, Drafting of Petition
Notes, Form, Study Materials

Drafting Class 2 - Writ Petition, (Habeas Corpus Writ), Few Example of Petitions
Drafting Class 3 - Memo Appearance, Affidavit and Required Documents, Mandamus, Habeas Corpus Writ
Drafting Class 4 - PIL(Public Interest Litigation Case)
Drafting Class 5: Drafting of Legal Notice ( Practical Class ), Petitions

Drafting Class 6 : Drafting Of Plaint, Order I, II, VII
Drafting Class 7 : Plaint Drafting (Recovery of Money, Suit For Partition of Property)

Drafting Class 8 : Drafting of Written Statement(Section, Rules of CPC, Sample of Written Statement)

Section 8
Section 9
Section 11
Section 17
Section 32
Section 34

Special POA
General POA Drafting

Drafting Class 5 - Drafting of Legal Notice(Practical Class) Petitions

Partnership Agreement
LLP Agreement
GST Reply Drafting
Income Tax Reply Drafting
Arbitration Agreement
Foreign Collaboration Agreement
Joint Development Rights Agreement

Rent Deed
Lease Deed
License Deed
Privacy Policy
Terms and Conditions of Contract

Interlocutory Applications
Petitions, Revision Petition and Writ Petitions
Indemnity Bonds

Due Diligence Process of IPO
M and A Process
Auditing Documents

Settlement Agreements
Negotiation Agreements
International Arbitration Agreements and Applications

Board Resolution
Special Resolution

Course Mentors

CS Chandrika Joshi

( Company Secretary (CS), LLB, LLM, Master of Commerce (M.Com))
Experience: 8+ Years.
Training session: 678+
Student trained : 2326+
Experties: Commercials Drafting, Litigation, Company, Civil Laws, Mediation, Arbitration, Negotiation skills, Legal Drafting, Researching and Documentations

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